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ATT High Speed Internet Update

Published: February 20, 2017

This was sent to us from a resident in Phase 4. After hearing from others it appears that the speeds may vary depending on where you live in Deer Ridge. ATT should be able to verify what is available when they come to you property.

Just wanted to update you on the installation of my AT&T UVerse internet.

  • When the AT&T tech came to install the router/modem, he realized the house, for UVerse service, was not connected to the phone terminal that sits at the front of the property. So he called to have someone come out to lay the wire. It was done that same day while the installation tech was here as he could not finish his job until that connection was complete. The wire was buried by hand very neatly the next day. I don’t know if all residents would have this same issue, but they could.

  • When I purchased UVerse and set up the installation, I was sold a speed of 7 Mbps. When they laid the wire mentioned above, the AT&T guy told me while he was testing the line that I could have 12 Mbps if I wanted because the tests showed all the right information to support this faster speed. So it only took a call to customer service to change from 7 to 12Mbps. Of course the faster speed costs more money, but not that much more. 7 Mbps costs $30/month for the first year, then it goes to $40/month. 12 Mbps costs $50/month for the first year, then it goes to $60. I can only assume that all residents would be able to order 12 Mbps if they want.

  • Because I have DirecTV, the tech attached the DVR to the internet at my request. It was not attached before because we had a hotspot for internet service that did not offer unlimited data, so it was not economical to have our DVR attached to the internet.

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